Discord and Dissent – a special offer

Happy pub day to Piranha Katy Haye! Dissent is published today.

Dissent is second in the Echoes of Earth series.

About the book:

Dissent cover on cover overlay

My name is Hiran. I live in a zoo.

Hiran lives in the Colony, a zoo where human teens are kept on display by the casians, a species of scaly, green creatures who’ve put themselves in charge. The Colony is on earth, but an earth long devoid of any natural human population. That’s why Hiran is a slave, why every human is a slave—because casian scientists brought them back from extinction to play music, entertain alien tourists, and to breed.

But the zoo isn’t the only trap Hiran’s in. He’s in love with Roisin, but she doesn’t love him. Their romance is a façade designed to keep the casians from wiping their memories and sending them back to Steptoe House for rehabilitation. At least at the Colony, they know the truth of their hopeless existence.

Still, when Hiran’s ex-girlfriend, Beth, arrives unexpectedly back at the Colony, it reminds him of everything he’s lost. And as the casian regime becomes more brutal every day, Hiran rebels the only way he can, sowing dissent between the humans and their keepers. But rebellions have failed before, with fatal consequences. Hiran doesn’t want to die, but does he have anything left to lose?

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To celebrate Dissent’s launch, Discord is on a FREE promotion. This means you can get BOTH books for just .99! Grab them today – available via Amazon and with Kindle Unlimited. Don’t have a kindle? You can download the free app to your phone/tablet/computer.

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