Hindu view of menstruation: Using Ayurveda to ease the pain

Many women today perceive menstruation as unavoidable pain, a distraction or an obstacle in their otherwise busy and ambitious life. The advent of sanitary napkins and period postponing pills have been touted as ultimate solutions that provide much needed relief from distraction. Apart from the obvious fact that there is a multi-million dollar sanitary products… Continue reading Hindu view of menstruation: Using Ayurveda to ease the pain

Get Back That Youthful Glow With The Kansa Ayurvedic Face Massage

Kansa body wands is a wonderful stress buster which can be used by everyone. Alongside being a superb stress reliever, this ancient Ayurvedic healing tool has a whole list of powerful healing properties – the main one being eradicating wrinkles and helping you look and feel younger & more revitalised. Kansa is a sole three… Continue reading Get Back That Youthful Glow With The Kansa Ayurvedic Face Massage

  ayurveda Many women today perceive menstruation as unavoidable pain, a distraction or an obstacle in their otherwise busy and ambitious life. The advent of sanitary napkins and period postponing pills have been touted as ultimate solutions that provide much needed relief from distraction. Apart from the obvious fact that there is a multi-million dollar… Continue reading

The Ayurvedic Approach to Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic widespread pain disorder often seen in primary care practices. Advances in the understanding of FM pathophysiology and clinical presentation have improved the recognition and diagnosis of FM in clinical practice. Fibromyalgia is a clinical diagnosis based on signs and symptoms and is appropriate for treatment through Ayurvedic medicine. The hallmark… Continue reading The Ayurvedic Approach to Fibromyalgia

WAVE GOODBYE TO MIGRAINE With ‘CHAMPI’ Traditional Indian AYURVEDIC Head massage

Migraines can be absolutely infuriating.  They can interrupt your day and make it difficult for you to function normally.  There are lots of reasons why migraines can occur, and Champi Ayurvedic Head massage can play a role in helping to relieve the frequency and the pain that can come from migraines.          … Continue reading WAVE GOODBYE TO MIGRAINE With ‘CHAMPI’ Traditional Indian AYURVEDIC Head massage


Many people believe that forgiveness is necessary if we are to put the past behind us and move on. Twelve-step programs teach the philosophy that we should forgive others because they, like us, were doing the best they could at the time.  Many religions teach that forgiveness is the only fair and compassionate thing to… Continue reading TO FORGIVE OR NOT TO FORGIVE? THAT’S THE QUESTION – Beverley Engle LMFT Compassion Chronicle

Workplace Stress – Don’t Be A Statistic Try The Powerful Healing Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage

Work-related stress is one of the biggest health hazards in the workplace. Stress is difficult to identify, but it can be caused by excessive workloads or pressure placed on employees. Work-related stress is a reaction to pressure or harassment at work or other working conditions. https://www.unison.org.uk/get-help/knowledge/health-and-safety/stress/ Are You Suffering Workplace Stress?  Lacking Motivation & Feeling… Continue reading Workplace Stress – Don’t Be A Statistic Try The Powerful Healing Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic Massage for Allergies

Allergies occur when the immune system reacts abnormally to certain stimuli. These stimuli are referred to as allergens but how does it all happen?  When we have allergic reaction to something, it’s because the Immune system incorrectly perceives some substances as a threat. Respiratory allergies are caused by airborne allergens like dust, pollen, etc. Food allergy… Continue reading Ayurvedic Massage for Allergies

Healing From Your Kitchen. Ayurveda & the Impact of Aroma on Physical, Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing.

This may surprise you, but right there in your own kitchen you’ll have a number of healing products without even realising it. It’s amazing how many people come to see me for Ayurvedic Massage because they love the oils I use and feel uplifted just by the mere scent of them so let’s look at… Continue reading Healing From Your Kitchen. Ayurveda & the Impact of Aroma on Physical, Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing.