Something for the weekend

‘Whoa, what’s that?’ I hear you cry. ‘What’s that picture with Book News over the top of it?’ Only I’m sure you expressed it so much better than I just did.


Just a couple of things to take us into the weekend. The first is that I have a Kindle Countdown Deal running on my Sherlock box set, which contains my short story collection The Secret Notebook of Sherlock Holmes and the sequel novella, A Jar Of Thursday. Usually this is priced at $3.99/£3.49, but today and over the weekend you can pick it up for just 99c/99p if you’re in the US or UK. Don’t say I never give you anything!

Click here to visit the book on Amazon

And what was the other thing? Well, after umming and aahing and hivering and hovering and putting it off for ages, I’ve finally decided it’s time to start an author newsletter.


The newsletter will be less bloggy – bloggy just autocorrected to bloody, such is the life of a mystery writer! I plan to send it out twice a month, and it will feature things like book news and updates, related content, offers, occasional giveaways and sneak previews, and maybe links to discounted books in similar genres. I’ll be keeping it spam-free, too. Oh, and you get a free book, my flash fiction collection Bitesize, when you sign up.

Join my newsletter

I’ll still be blogging from time to time, but I plan to keep this for longer pieces, while news items will mostly be gathered in the newsletter. Hope to see you there!

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