This Valentine’s Day I want to talk about LOVE too, only with a bit of a spin on it.
Let’s begin with self-acceptance.  Yup, let’s give up the self-loathing and begin to admire our individuality and our unique bodies just the way they are; miraculous.  We have trillions of cells that intricately perform a multitude of functions without us ever telling them what to do!  It’s like precision clockwork!
Now let’s move on to purpose.  Oh this can be a tough one but suffice it to say that when you are doing whatever is right for you and you’re in that right zone, you will know it because you will feel relaxed and good.  When you’re off track stress and anxiety will come knocking at your door!  At this point it’s time to re-evaluate and get back on track and find your passionate zone!
Lastly, let’s address ego!  Don’t fall into this trap!  Ego can be a set up for failure and disappointment.  If you do anything strictly for approval, admiration or status it won’t bring joy and satisfaction no matter how you spin your wheels!  Listen to your inner voice and follow its calling!
Learn to enjoy your body, your purpose and your self-worth, then go out and enjoy the simple things in life that can bring so much pleasure and LOVE….and speaking of simple things to LOVE allow me to share my one simple solution to an ongoing problem I experienced that frustrated me to no end!
If you ever noticed those tiny little holes in your tops and wondered where they mysteriously came from then wonder no more!  I will tell you…you’re going to LOVE knowing and sharing this simple solution.  The holes come from what we call ‘nub rub’ more explicitly the curled out button-tab on your jeans, around the hardware that holds your jeans up.  Our Lickety Klip simply slips over this bulky area which eliminates friction and the possibility of your shirt or Tee getting hung up on this bulky area!  Our Lickety Klip covers it, creating fluidity for your shirt while flattening your silhouette!  If you’re like me you’ll be glad to be rid of this dreadful ‘nub-rub’!  No more holes, no more bulk and no belt is necessary! …..and if you happen to have an allergy from the button alkaloids then you’re covered for that as well!   Now your favorite T-shirt will last longer saving you money too!  What’s not to LOVE about that!
Be sure to check out the 4 different colors and stay tuned as we grow into more fashionable looks.
“LOVE is in the WEAR” and although it’s not chocolate we want to share with you a sweet deal. Enter promo code: heart for Buy 2 Get 1 FREE starting today till 02-15-15.
Happy Valentine’s Day!