Use code “wild50” via FilmFreeway and Save 50% off the regular submission

WILDsound Festival

WILDsound is a proud partner of FilmFreeway. Today if you submit via the submission platform, you receive 50% off the regular submissions on all entries. Use code “wild50”

Submit now via FilmFreeway:

Recent Testimonials:

WILDsound is a screenwriter’s treasure! They take enormous time to provide the most expert, detailed feedback, even allowing my choice to incorporate all the committee’s ideas or stay with my draft. With caring support, they’ve honored each deadline and every award they promised, and I’m forever grateful for their right-on insightful niggles to enhance my story. WILDsound provides everything a screenwriter needs to find the way to a story’s successful completion. I’m forever grateful!
– Elan Carlton, Cahoots, Feature Script

It was an amazing experience. I’m really grateful for this opportunity and I loved the way the actors brought the characters to life. I was so surprised at how they got it! They interpreted it exactly…

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By horrorfestival

Festival for Horror Showcases the best of Horror Films and Screenplays from all over the world.

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